Hi, and Welcome to our Gentry Class website!

Ron Potter I have wanted to build this website for such a long time and now finally I have done it!
The aim of this website is to enable all of us who were in Gentry Class in the year 1962 at the Regular Force Cadet School, Waiouru, to be able to communicate with one another by e-mail, phone, Skype or whatever as well as to organise a Class Reunion.

Not only will we be able to keep in touch with one another, especially those overseas, but also for me to communicate with you all to arrange for a "Gentry Class Re-unions" and "get togethers".

I on many occasions think back to my past and my three years that I spent in "God's last creation" (Waiouru Military Camp). I think of all the classmates that we had in our intake of Gentry Class in 1962.

Where are they now? Are they still with us? What are they doing in their latter years?

Last year 2023, it was exactly 61 years ago since all 114 of us joined the Regular Force Cadet School. I think that 114 is the largest intake ever. (I am sure that is correct!).
It is about time that our class has a Reunion as we are all getting on in years!
In 2016, Patrick Duggan via the RF Cadet Facebook page suggested that we should get a Re-union under way and to have it in 2017 giving plenty of notice for everyone to prepare and save for it. Patrick suggested that we have it in Christchurch! Why not?

UPDATE: You can see that 2017 was a long time ago and NOT too many Gentry Class mates have responded to this website!

I have encluded a word document called "Our Details" page ("Click" on the RED "Our Details" to DOWNLOAD), which you can download, fill in your details and email it back to me with photos so that I can put your details onto the website for other Gentry Class members to be able to see and communicate with you.
It also has a couple of questions regarding a re-union for some feedback. We value your feedback and input.

Once you have COMPLETED your details in the "Our Details Page" document that you DOWNLOADED on your computer, then "click" onto the "CONTACT US" link above and Put in your name, email address and a message if you want to, THEN you can UPLOAD your PHOTOS by "clicking" on the PHOTO option and then UPLOAD your "Our Details page" by "Clicking" on the RESUME button and select it from where you saved it! Thanks.

It will also be an opportunity for our class mates to make contact with one another through the "Our Details" page. This can be continuously updated as we "age"!!

"Click" on to this link to see my "Details" page as an example.

There were only 5006 of us cadets that entered the Regular Force Cadet Schools in it's entire history. There were only 114 of us that were Gentry Class.

Let's celebrate that fact while we still can! (or remember it!!!)

I invite all "Gentry Class Members" to communicate this message to all the rest of our class mates and please communicate all your details to me so that I can get our website up to date - Thanks.

Trusting that you and your loved ones are all in the best of health.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a Great 2024.
Kindest regards,

Ron Potter.


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